Sunday, February 28, 2010

In the media

Obviously I haven't posted anything in a little while. Two big things happened to me at work last week.

1. Wednesday - The other reptile keepers and I were on the local news. WAKA has a segment where they focus on unique jobs, and this time they picked zookeepers. More importantly they picked reptile keepers. I love all the areas in the zoo, but reptiles are my favorite. Downside, I hate speaking on camera. Upside, I didn't have to this time!

Video Clip I'm the one feeding the chameleon and misting the emerald tree boa.

2. Friday - My jaguar article and snow pictures were published! They are in the upcoming issue of the zoo's magazine Jungle Drums. The article is based around our new female Caipora.

Friday, February 12, 2010


First snow of 2010 (probably the only snow of 2010). Started around 7am and lasted until 4pm. I went in to work from 8-1. The zoo was closed, so we left as soon as the essentials were done. Some animals were kept inside, others went out only long enough for us to clean buildings. The North American animals were out the whole time, they are made for this! It was a beautiful winter wonderland. I wish I could have stayed until the snow had time to really accumulate, but I got some pictures from when it first started to stick.

Flight Cage

Bald Eagles



Elk (female)

Reticulated Giraffe


African Lion

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

New herps on display

I know its Tuesday, but for me its Monday. Cold with a constant drizzle (big surprise!), but not too umcomfortable. Opened two new herp displays - African "Pyxie" Bullfrog and Red-eyed Tree Frogs. They replaced the Viper Boa and Asian Vine Snake. No other excitement which made for a nice easy beginning to the week.

I don't have any pictures to post on these new frogs, which means I better go take some!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Enrichment Day

Well the high for today was 45 and that was first thing this morning. It only got colder as the day progressed. We did have a decent number of visitors show up for Enrichment Day. I was busy all day and missed most of the animals, but I did get a few pictures. The Sloth bear was given a paper mache ant hill with insects inside, Spider monkeys had several hanging puzzle feeders, and the Maned wolves had a paper mache ant hill with mice inside. Animals in the other sections were also enriched, but I didn't have any time to go see them.
We did a lot of enrichment in the reptile house. The Skink got a piece of wood sprayed with perfume, the insectavores were fed a variety of insects and mealworms. The Chameleon was handfed wax worms. The Yellow monitors had phonebooks with insects hidden inside. New substrate and habitat furnishings for the Grey banded kingsnakes.

It was cold and cloudy and we were shorthanded, but it ended up being a great day!

Sally checking out her paper mache.

Yellow Monitors tearing into a phone book.

Grey banded testing her new leaves.

Skink on top of his new piece of wood...

...and in it.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Vincent van Gecko

"I need a gecko painting." This is what my manager told me yesterday. Um, ok.

Let me backup. Our zoo sells animal paintings. Not paintings of animals, but paintings by animals. Elephants will hold brushes in their trunks and other animals will use their feet, bodies, faces, tongues, whatever to make original masterpieces.

So back to my current dillema. A reptile? Ok, no problem, I can do this! All our paint is non-toxic and washable, it is the same kind toddlers use to finger paint. I still have to dilute it, because geckos have very delicate footpads (that is what allows them to walk up walls). Luckily for me, Crested Geckos are pretty calm and this one was willing to work with me.

I sat on the floor with the canvas in front of me and followed three simple steps :

Step 1 - Put paint on toes
Step 2 - Let gecko walk on canvas
Step 3 - Repeat

I sat him down on the canvas and he would walk right back to me. Afterwards he got a bath to wash off any excess paint. I now have a new found respect for Crested Geckos. Next time, I am going to try a snake.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cold and Rainy

So tired of this weather. I can't get any work done. Part of my daily routine is raking, and that is really hard when the ground is nothing but nasty mud. The animals are as thrilled as I am, which is why I gave them access to their nice warm dry buildings.

Today was another short-handed day. Keepers out sick and what not. We also have some unfilled spots because we are not hiring right now. Stupid recession.

Saturday is Enrichment Day. Enrichment is anything new or different, like new toys, hanging feeders, perfume sprayed around exhibits, anything that will get a reaction. I have way too much to try and get done tomorrow. One cool thing I need to do is a gecko painting. I am going to try and put dilute non-toxic paint on its feet and have it walk all over a canvas. And maybe a snake.

Enrichment Day Feb '08 "Sugar" a black bear checking out her new treat barrel.