Monday, October 10, 2011

Columbus Day and More

School is closed today, so the kids and I went to the zoo. Visiting your employer on a holiday isn't most people's idea of a good time, but in my case it's an amazing time!

We were there for about 4 hours, taking our time looking at every exhibit. We walked through the Mann Museum, rode the train and horse trail (2x), ate at the Overlook Cafe and fed the giraffes. The only thing we missed were the peddle boats. It was closed due to weather. Luckily, the rain held out until we were in the gift shop. I'm proud of myself for leaving there having only spent $2.40 on a rubber snake and inflatable monkey!

I know I'm biased, but I love my zoo. It's medium sized with a great species selection. The exhibits are neat and tidy (because we bust our butts), the layout is nice, and there is a lot of shade.

My kids always make me proud. They can get wild and crazy, but they follow the zoo rules (like no tapping on the glass) and they love to educate others about the animals.


We are in the process of building a parakeet feeding flight cage. I can't wait! The giraffe feeding is a big success and I hope this will be too. The frame work is up, so it shouldn't be much longer.


ZooBoo starts this Thursday! Employees are working hard getting all the scenes ready. It will run every Thursday-Sunday night and Halloween night. There will be two hayrides, a non-scary Pumpkin Pull for the little ones and the scary hayride for others. There will also be games, prizes, candy, inflatable jumpers, the Education department will have the Creatures of the Night presentation, and more! We always need volunteers, so call 240-4900 if you want to join the fun!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Do Not Tap On The Glass

Treat the Reptile House with respect.

You will not make anything move by tapping on the glass. The only thing you will accomplish is stressing the animals that I then have to handle. How would you feel if I came to your house, job or school and started banging on your windows and shouting "Move!"? The first time you may just lose bowel and/or bladder control. Hundreds of times every day you may go insane. I would.

Please don't let your children tap on the glass. I have to stop what I'm working on every 15-30 minutes to tell yet another group what should be common sense. Or least common courtesy.

In case you didn't notice, the two sets of glass doors have pull handles and push bars. Cleaning hundreds of people's funky grease and germs is not how I want to spend my mornings. And there is also a No Food/Drink sign on the door. It's there for a reason. That includes the precious toddlers in strollers dropping their juice boxes or Cheerios, and then the stroller crushing them into the carpet. It also includes spitting out sunflower seeds all over the floor. Eww. The reptile house is not a trash can, so please use the cans provided outside to dispose of your garbage.

The two pictures show the nasty fingerprints on one of the doors this morning and a sign on the same door.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Airport Security Drama

Really people? Every time?

Zoos send and receive animals all the time. Animals die, new exhibits are built, some are exchanged for breeding purposes, etc. Zoos buy, sell, trade, and loan animals to each other. Animals travel by truck or plane. This is not a new concept. Magical fairies don't show up in the middle of the night bringing monkeys and macaws.

I understand that since 9/11 airport security has tightened. But why does there have to be drama every time?!

I don't care if it's a duck, an otter or a tiger, I am NOT getting it out of the crate for them to scan. It's not a pet. It's not a Persian or a Chihuahua. It's a wild animal with an extreme fight or flight response. In some cases the animals have the potential to be deadly. Every time a superior has to be called over and they always say the same thing "Look in as best you can with a flashlight and swab the crate" (for certain chemicals).

The two agents that were there when we shipped out the tiger cubs kept trying to explain to the horde of others what needed to be done, but they wouldn't listen. They insisted on calling the head supervisor, who was not pleased to be disturbed over a problem that should have never been.

After all that, I walked out to the truck and there is a $25 parking ticket tucked under a wiper blade. Really?! I quickly found a security guard "Um, seriously?! I'm not paying this. I'm in a loading/unloading only zone UNLOADING an animal. This is the same spot we always park in." He muttered something about letting him know next time and took the ticket.

My first experience taking an animal to the airport was adult cheetahs. After being told that the animals would have to be removed from their crates, the keeper I was with said "Feel free. But only after we are in the truck and drive off."

I'm waiting on the time I get to ship out snakes. I'll be more than happy to let them slither across the counter and scare everyone. ;)

Theres An App For This

Just downloaded the FREE Blogger app for my iPhone. This is a test, trying it out.

So far I like it. Simple, but that's what I want in a mobile app. :)

Quick snapshot of a sign on the Reptile House.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

She found me!

We have been so busy since the kids have started back to school. I can't believe I forgot to post this sooner!

The first weekend in August, we went on our first real family vacation. 3 days and 2 nights in Panama City Beach, FL. We had so much fun! The weather was great and the water was very calm. Fresh seafood, putt-putt, hunting crabs, finding seashells, building sandcastles, and lots of swimming. We had planned on visiting Gulf World Aquarium, but after comparing prices we opted to go to ZooWorld.

After weaving around through the petting zoo, birds, and primates; we came to the end where the big cats are located. I immediately spotted two young tigers. One orange, one white. Of course I fell in love with the white one. She was just sitting there ignoring the people passing by. I walked over to her and I chuffed. She jumped up and chuffed back! This went on for several minutes. Every time I tried to walk away, she would follow me, whining very loudly. Finally, after what seemed like hours, my family convinced me it was time to move on and see the other animals.

We were about to leave when I saw a keeper. I stopped her and told her how much I loved the white tiger. I asked her name. "Tallulee." (Byron and I exchange curious glances) Um, are you sure its not Tallulah? "Pretty sure." How old is she? "Just over a year." (My heart races.) Did she come from Arizona, originally from Alabama? "Um, yeah." At this point the keeper has a raised eyebrow and I am crying.

It's my baby girl TALLULAH!

The keeper called over the head keeper, I tell them our story and show them pictures on my phone. They bring me a bottle so I can feed her one more time. I thought my heart was going to burst with joy. Tallulah is not in the biggest display, but it was a waterfall and pool, she is with another female her age, and the keepers love and spoil her. Perfect!

I can't wait to go see her again. My girl is only 3 hours away!

One month old

One year old

Sunday, July 31, 2011

New attractions

Since I am in Alabama and summer started in May, I haven't taken any zoo pictures. It's just too hot. But it's not he heat, it's the humidity!

The zoo now has a Horse Trail. My kids love it!

Lets see - Train ride, Giraffe feeding, Pedal boats, Horse trail...
Sky Lift and Stingray touch pool COMING SOON!

Monday, February 21, 2011


Saturday February 19 was the first Animal Enrichment Day of 2011.  It was a huge success for the animals and the public.
Can you imagine never having anything different in your life? Always eating the same thing for dinner, wearing the same clothes, watching the same tv show. Life would be beyond boring. How would this effect you physically? Mentally? Spiritually?

We constantly enrich our animals. It may be new food, toys, perfume sprayed on the display, perches rearranged, puzzle feeders, anything we can think of to stimulate their senses. If properly enriched, captive animals will keep and use their wild behaviors. Instead of putting food in bowls, we will scatter the food around the display so the animals will have to forage. We can't give the lions a gazelle, but we can give them boxes that they have to rip open to get the treat inside. We want our animals to behave the way they were designed to behave. And we never want them to become listless or apathetic.

Animal Enrichment Day is a time to educate and entertain the public. We work together making items for the day's theme and we have a set schedule with times posted so the public doesn't miss anything. Saturday's "theme" was cardboard boxes and tubes. The day started at 10:00 with the Sloth Bears, who were given large cardboard tubes. The tubes were filled with treats hidden in hay and peanut butter slathered on the outside. We used boxes to make hanging puzzle feeders for the primates and had large boxes sprayed with scents set out for predators to pounce on and shred apart. We also had extra browse for hoofstock, and a few other goodies like hammocks for the Siamangs and big barrels for the Spider Monkeys and catnip for the Maned Wolves. (Yes, the wolves love catnip!)

Sloth Bear "Chan" eating his favorite peanut butter.

Squirrel Monkey figuring out the puzzle feeder.

Jaguar "Ciapora" loves the deer scent.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Jaguar

We now have 2 male Sumatran tigers and a new female Jaguar! Tigers and jags are my #1 and #2 favorites of the big cats. In my opinion they are by far the most beautiful. I have not had the pleasure of working with the new boys "Kami" and "Burung" yet, but I do get to work with the Jags. Our female Jag "Caipora" now has a companion "Nakita". Animal introductions are always tense. You never know how they are going to react to each other. The girls were perfect, like best friends reunited!

Now for some fun facts:

Sumatran Tigers (Panthera tigris sumatrae) are only found on the island of Sumatra. They are the smallest of the six tiger species. Bengals are 450-500lb, but Sumatrans are only 300lb. They are short and stocky, and have a much heavier mane/beard than the other species.

Jaguar (Panthera onca) is the third largest of the big cats and are found throughout Central and South America. To tell the difference between a jag and a leopard, look at the spots. If the "rosettes" have small spots in the centers, then it is a jag. Jags are also bigger and stockier, but usually the two are not side-by-side for a comparison.




I can't believe I don't have pictures of Nakita! I will have to work on that this week.

The Montgomery Advertiser came out recently and took pictures. LINK

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Gecko Love

I work with lots of really interesting animals, but the Giant Leaf-tailed Gecko (Uroplatus fimbriatus) is a favorite. They are large, with huge eyes and can be seen plastered to the wall or glass. I love their eyes. We have a female that is off display and I love pampering her, if you can pamper a gecko...

Quick Facts :
They are arboreal, nocturnal insectivores from Madagascar.
The scientific name - "ourĂ¡" meaning "tail" and "platys" meaning "flat". Fimbriatus is the Latin word for "fringed" based on their unique appearance of fringed skin.
Females can have three clutches a year, two eggs per clutch that will hatch in ~90 days.
They do not blink. Instead they will lick their eyes clean.

Monday, January 3, 2011

I did not forget you Blog! I promise to post more in 2011.

I thought of you often dear blog, but time was not my friend. My last post was in August and so much has happened.

A quick recap - I had the cubs from June until the end of October, then my husbands birthday, Halloween, the kids birthdays, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. My kids started Kindergarten in August, Auburn has dominated college football, and I was without a car for two months. "Busy" does not begin to describe the second half of 2010. I did make some awesome new friends along the way! The family is great. Husband really likes his job and the kids love school. They have both lost teeth and grew molars. And speaking of growing, they are so big! I want my babies back! Auburn football has ruled our lives this fall. We went to most of the home games, the SEC Championship in Atlanta, GA, and I am going to Glendale, AZ for the National Championship! War Eagle!

Ahh...2011. How I have needed you. A new year with new plans. My first plan is attempt a Photo A Day project. The name says it all - take a picture every day. Stay organized is my second plan. We can keep our house clean, but it only takes a couple of days before it looks like a tornado ripped through my house. I blame the kids, but I know I am also to blame. In order to organize, we have to purge. We so much useless junk that we have not nor will we ever use it. Bye-bye. The other plans are the same as every other year. Get in shape, save money, fix/remodel the house, etc.

My babies, Murphy and Tallulah. The pinnacle of my career. I was praised by the managers and the director, which literally warmed my soul to the point I was glowing. The cubs were an amazing 21 week journey. We all learned so much, not just about tigers, but about ourselves. True friendships were made and true enemies were discovered. "Enemy" is a strong word, but we found out who can and cannot trust. They left us Oct 25. We all cried. A lot. Another goal for this year is type up everything we did for future reference, and also type up my story (a personal journal/novel of sorts).

There are some big changes going on at the Zoo. We no longer have white tigers, now we have Sumatrans. They are amazing cats. The display is almost ready for them to make their debut. We have peddle boats and a giraffe feeding station, and are close to starting construction on the sky lift, parrot feeding station, and pony rides. We have a new gift shop manager. My first impression was a good one, she has some great ideas. We have a manager that is leaving, which may open an opportunity for me! Not as a manager, but maybe a Keeper II. We will see.

So 2011 - Bring it ON!