Monday, October 10, 2011

Columbus Day and More

School is closed today, so the kids and I went to the zoo. Visiting your employer on a holiday isn't most people's idea of a good time, but in my case it's an amazing time!

We were there for about 4 hours, taking our time looking at every exhibit. We walked through the Mann Museum, rode the train and horse trail (2x), ate at the Overlook Cafe and fed the giraffes. The only thing we missed were the peddle boats. It was closed due to weather. Luckily, the rain held out until we were in the gift shop. I'm proud of myself for leaving there having only spent $2.40 on a rubber snake and inflatable monkey!

I know I'm biased, but I love my zoo. It's medium sized with a great species selection. The exhibits are neat and tidy (because we bust our butts), the layout is nice, and there is a lot of shade.

My kids always make me proud. They can get wild and crazy, but they follow the zoo rules (like no tapping on the glass) and they love to educate others about the animals.


We are in the process of building a parakeet feeding flight cage. I can't wait! The giraffe feeding is a big success and I hope this will be too. The frame work is up, so it shouldn't be much longer.


ZooBoo starts this Thursday! Employees are working hard getting all the scenes ready. It will run every Thursday-Sunday night and Halloween night. There will be two hayrides, a non-scary Pumpkin Pull for the little ones and the scary hayride for others. There will also be games, prizes, candy, inflatable jumpers, the Education department will have the Creatures of the Night presentation, and more! We always need volunteers, so call 240-4900 if you want to join the fun!

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